End of year review. Lets do it.
The first hardcore show of the year was The Effort in the Boom Boom Room. I remember it being decent but kinda poorly attended. Worst fucking venue.
Next up was The Carrier from Boston. Such an incredible band and a good show.
Here is a video:
Unless im completely wrong we recorded the Famine album in January. I always enjoy recording so it was a good time.
The Blind recorded a Demo early in 09 and it came out in February. It ruled. The Blind get better and better everytime i see them and they are the best dudes. Here is the Demo if you dont have it.
You can pick up their new EP at shows or from them.
In March Find A Way played in The Hide Away house. It was being filmed for TV and myself and Zach did an interview and shit before the show. It was well funny. It was one of my favourite Find a Way shows for sure. Here is a video.
On the 14th of March i went to see Kris Roe from The Ataris playing acoustic. There was like 10 people there but it ruled anyway.
a couple of days after that show Find a Way headed to the UK for a few shows with Break The Habit and Cutting Class. I had the best time. Jack drove and Mac Kell did merch and Glenn came along to make sure Mac Kell was doing the business, haha. oh Rich Clarke came along and all. All the shows ruled. haha i got picked up while we played in southampton, it was beyond funny. Oh really ah came out to the show in Leeds which was cool. Gleen flipped off the roof of the van. Highlight of the tour was playing table tennis and meeting the fastest kid in Wales haha.

In April Gravemaker made the trip to Dublin. They are a really good band and really nice guys. The thing that sticks out about the show is the security not letting people into the venue if they were not buying alcohol. It was ridiculous.
Outbreak played a last minute show in Dublin and derry filled in on drums for them. the show ruled. It was one of the first shows in the tap. One of my favourite venues in Dublin. Pity we cant use it anymore.
Bane played in Radio city in April making their first trip to Ireland. Show ruled.
50 Lions played at the end of april. They were so awesome. Forced Out played their first show at this. The demo ruled and they are some of my best friends! Im pretty sure the Find a Way 7 inch came out at this.
This Is Hell also played in April. i remember having fun at this show. good band. i wish i had more videos to post. where did you go ralph?? haha.
the Famine album came out in may. Cheers if you picked one up.
The release weekend was easily the most fun i have ever had.
Lees house show was my highlight for sure.
our friends in Locked in made the trip over for the shows. best dudes.
In the Middle of May Famine flew to germany for a few shows. We played in Berlin with New Bruises. Jena with Ritual, then we played a bunch of shows with Bitter End and True Colors. They were sweet. Best dudes. Jon broke his leg moshing to Bitter end and somehow managed to play a show the next day. What a hero. But it meant he couldnt come on the tour we were about to leave on. Rory ended up filling in last minute.
Ruiner played in Dublin the night before we left for tour. The show was so good. Ruiner were the first touring band i put on and to this day they are one of my favourite bands. Pick up the new record if you have not already.
The next morning we hit the ferry with Jack and Gav along for the ride and we had a sweet time. The uk didnt suck. I know, haha. I cant even remember were we played. a bunch of places. Then we went to italy and had the best time. All the shows were awesome and we met back up with our friends in locked in! Napo put us up in his house and cooked for us every day. Italy is so beautiful.

The dudes from To Kill came out to the show in Rome and it was great to see them. I cant even describe what rome is like. Its such an amazing place.

After the show in Rome we had like a 2 day drive back to Dublin but we made it in time for Lauras birthday dinner. hell yeah.
Betrayed played in June and The Mongoloids, New Morality and No Turning Back played in July all of those shows were decent.
Have Heart, Shipwreck and Rise and Fall also played in July.
It was one of the best shows of the year. 3 of my favourite bands on the 1 show in Dublin doesnt happen very often. The hangouts ruled.
Next up was The Wonder Years. I met the dudes at the airport and we headed back to the local. We got some pizza and hung out until the show in Dorans. it was awesome.
The next day we headed to Portlaoise for the show. It was a good time. we took a picture for the local paper. there were kids in nirvana shirts at the show. we drove back to Dublin after the show and partied in the local. We ended up on the beach at 3am sitting on the roof of the killiney baths looking out at the sea. it ruled. The next morning we dropped the dudes at the airport and they flew to Russia. Fast forward a few days and i was back at the airport meeting the dudes. There was a last minute show with TWY and All or Nothing in the tap. it was incredible. Thats all i can say really. i wish there was videos.
Agnostic Front was in August. it was cool to see so many new faces. it was a cool show to play.
Ieperfest was awesome this year. Its always nice to get away and have a laugh with the lads. So many good bands. Good times! I sat at the Hurry Up! Distro for so long haha. Terror were amazing!

In September i moved into the Harcore Hotel haha, with Liamy, Glenn, Nelly and Panda. I love living here and im having the best time with the lads. Come hang out with us.
Right after we moved in ON came to ireland for a couple of shows. I listened to this band a lot in 09 and they ruled live.
After that Famine and Frustration headed off on tour. It was the best tour so far. Scotland, England, Wales, France, Belgium, Austria, Holland and Poland. It ruled. Poland was an experience haha. The girl in Norwich didnt give us a place to stay so the dudes got beers and we stayed in a services, it was so funny. We played in Lille in France and it was cool. Lee crashed into some dude that was parked in a stupid spot. it was the dudes own fault. Holland was also cool, we played in the giant skate park. The dudes from new morality came out so that was cool.
We had an over night drive to poland. The show was upstairs in a cinema which was cool. The show was 200 dudes killing each other. So funny. Robbie wentto hospital that night and had to get injections in his arse, looked so painful. The show in Poznan was my favourte. people sang along and went mental. i love poland. Last show in Poland was in Nowy Targ. It was a cool show.
The Famine LP and the Frustration 7 Inch were out in time for this tour. The frustration 7 inch is soooo awesome. The released the record in October i think. The release show was beyond awesome.
The first show in the exchange happened in there somewhere. Find a Way were awesome at it.
Have they fixed your head yet Gav??
The blind ep launch in exchange also ruled.
We had a house party for my birthday i had a class time, thanks if you made it out.
At the start of December i went to Newport to hang out and see Ruiner and Fireworks. Both bandsare so good.
Madball played a few weeks ago. it was so packed. RTTM were so fucking good and Madball were incredible.
Holy shit that took so long.
So overall 2009 was a fucking busy year. But it was a good year. I got to know a lot of great people. Lets hope 2010 is just as good. Im off to Ciaras now. Happy New Year.