So im sitting in classnevin listening to Lifetime. Listening to Lifetime is always the best part of my day, is that fucked??haha. Im about to have a pineapple fanta! Fuck yes!!
Work was boring as fuck, we talked about christmas and shit. One of the lads was telling me that one year his dad set up the video camera and he would pause it, then stick a present under the tree, then unpause it and repeat the process like 20 times. I thought that it was the best shit ever and if i ever have kids its something i will def do. Lets be honest, the only time that you were ever truely happy in your life was when you still believed in the big man. Once you find out that he is not real you start to question everything and you realise that the world is fucked. I reckon i would give anything to feel that proper christmas feeling again just once, that was the real shit.
My brothers girlfriend went into labor this morning so id imagine im an uncle at this stage. i wonder what its gonna be like having a baby around the house, weird i reckon!!
My granny was 95 recently and she is still kicking it like its 1969!! she lives on her own and she still takes a stroll everyday, plays cards with the lads a few nights a week, listens to nu metal and is basically living the dream! It amazing the strange things you remember from over the years, she digs steve davis, she is killer at checkers, she hates chess, she never uses the front door of her house only the back, she always gives me caramelized onions even though she knows i hate them, she has it in her head that i still love the power rangers, everytime i see her she asks me what the red rangers name is? but i dont have the heart to tell her he is now a gay porn star. I dunno what im getting at here really. She has been sick the last week or so and i reckon she deserves a mention.
Im going to London on tuesday. If you are around come say hi!!!